Living Truth Center for Better Living Inc. is a member of the Universal Foundation for Better Living (UFBL) and affiliate of the Johnnie Colemon Institute.
We are a loving, kind, supportive, and praying New Thought Christian Church family who believes in the innate divinity of all people.
Our vision is be an inclusive and intergenerational New Thought Christian Bible based Church that teaches the Jesus Christ Principles of how to live happy, healthy, and prosperous lives.
Our mission is to reach and to empower people to live happy, healthy, and prosperous lives through our core ministries: teaching and preaching; praying and healing; and through fellowship and service.
The Reverend Dorothy J. Wilson was ordained by the late Reverend Dr. Mary Tumpkin, former President of UFBL, in 2007. Her Master's Degree in English Literature affords her a dynamic edge in preaching.
She presents a compelling and relevant message with narrative criticism techniques along with a metaphysical allegorical interpretation of Scripture. She taught in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District for more than 30 years and also at Cuyahoga Community College.
She was awarded "WHO IS WHO" Among American Teachers. She served as a Coach for the Ohio Graduation Test in the Cleveland Schools and co-authored a manual for the Ohio Graduation Test for teachers.
Rev. Wilson has received a Martha Holden Jennings Scholar Award. Also , and was awarded a creative writing Fellowship award from Kent State University, a Bachelor's of Arts from Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi and a Master's Degree in English Literature from Cambridge College in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
She presents a compelling and relevant message with narrative criticism techniques along with a metaphysical allegorical interpretation of Scripture. She taught in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District for more than 30 years and also at Cuyahoga Community College.
She was awarded "WHO IS WHO" Among American Teachers. She served as a Coach for the Ohio Graduation Test in the Cleveland Schools and co-authored a manual for the Ohio Graduation Test for teachers.
Rev. Wilson has received a Martha Holden Jennings Scholar Award. Also , and was awarded a creative writing Fellowship award from Kent State University, a Bachelor's of Arts from Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi and a Master's Degree in English Literature from Cambridge College in Cambridge, Massachusetts.